Roddy the French Bulldog: Woburn Sands Lodge’s New Addition
Woburn Sands Lodge, a Mental Health Service, has welcomed a new addition to the service, a French Bulldog named Roddy.
At Accomplish’s Woburn Sands Lodge service, an addition of great significance has been made to the service’s amenities. The newly welcomed addition is none other than a fluffy French Bulldog named Roddy, who has had a profound impact on colleagues and the people we support at the service.
Roddy has received so much attention and appreciation for his therapeutic qualities, particularly his ability to provide comfort and calmness to the people we support who experience anxiety. Notably, one of the people we support, NS, has been considerably more relaxed in Roddy’s presence than before and even expressed anticipation for summertime adventures with him.
NS, a person we support, said: “He makes me happy and reminds me of a dog I had when I was younger. I like playing with him and when I am feeling down, he cheers me up”.
Beyond the emotional support provided, Roddy has also contributed significantly to the people we support’s engagement in the community, with some taking turns walking him and others with the task of feeding him. A person we support who has recently moved to Woburn Sands Lodge is a wheelchair user and has been responsible for feeding Roddy.
This newfound responsibility has instilled a sense of purpose in the people we support, and Roddy’s companionship has been a source of affection and enjoyment. Another person we support, SD who has complex behaviours and mental health needs, has developed a close connection with Roddy.
Alisha Ahmed, Service Manager at Woburn Sands Lodge, said: “Roddy’s positive influence in the service and commends his contribution to evoking fond memories of past pets in the people we support. Roddy is a beloved addition to Woburn Sands Lodge and his presence will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the service’s culture and the lives of the people we support.”